Our Story

Our Story

PetDigz was founded and created by Deb Michalik and Tom Clark, well, really on the insistence of Deb to the point that Tom gave in and agreed. We currently have three rescue cats: Sabrina, Bob and Arthur. Sabrina, the smallest and most senior cat, rules the house. Bob and Arthur, adopted in December 2018, are under 2 years old and are very silly kids. They keep Sabrina on her toes testing her limits on a regular basis. Like most cats, Sabrina, Bob & Arthur take pleasure in wallowing the day away napping in the bed of their choice.

Keeping their beds clean and free of fur was a challenge. We like a tidy house and want our pets to have clean beds for their daily naps. We were constantly vacuuming and washing their beds which left them looking dingy and out of shape.

Our love for our fur kids spilled over into our obsession for keeping them comfortable with a comfy bed that was clean and fresh smelling while keeping our lives just a tiny bit less complicated and stress free…our goal in life. We just knew there had to be a better way and that’s what initially inspired the creation of PetDigz, pet bed sheets for dogs and cats. We experimented with different types of fabrics, styles and sizes, and after consulting our research team (comprised of Sabrina, Tina and their friends), PetDigz partnered with a local production company who worked hard to come up with a design to fit multiple pet bed sizes and shapes.

Animals make us smile (hence, the smiley face in our logo)….their unconditional love and positive attitude, no matter the circumstances, resonates with our daily life. The most peace is found when our animals are close by…we think they are just the coolest beings. 

A good friend gave us this plaque and it is our mantra…everything, well almost everything, we do is for our fur kids. We love them and are always looking for ways to make their lives (and ours) just a little simpler and more comfortable. 


 Why PetDigz?

Cats…and dogs, like to take naps so our fur kids always had a bed, or two, or three to choose from. Since they are big shedders we found ourselves vacuuming and washing their beds constantly…until they eventually fell apart. Many times their fur would get lodged into the bed fabric and even with vacuuming and washing, the fur would not totally come off of their beds making them look dirty. We knew there had to be a better way.

Why PetDigz Sheets:

  • Keep your pet's bed clean and fresh smelling.
  • Elastic bottoms help keep the sheet in place even for diggers. (Check out Katie G.'s comments on our Review page.)
  • 100% cotton makes the sheets soft and cozy for your fur kid and easy to wash and quick to dry for you.
  • Sheets are durable, keeping their fresh cotton look and feel wash after wash
  • Fun patterns add a splash of color to your pet’s bed.
  • Double stitched seams so no little threads are left for chewers.
  • Sheets are proudly made in USA.

PetDigz sheets come in three styles: ROUND, FLAT and RECTANGLE

The Round sheet was designed to have a little bit of room to tuck the sheet in the side making for a comfy pillow so dogs….and cats…can dig and dig and dig to make the bed their own. The round sheet is a nice cover

The Rectangle sheet fits nicely on rectangle or crate beds with rolled sides as well as bolster-type beds. The rectangle sheet, like the round sheet, was designed to have a little extra room to tuck the sheet in on the sides so dogs…and cats…can dig and dig and dig and make the bed their own.

The Flat sheet was designed to fit the typical orthopedic/memory foam type pet beds The Flat sheet also fits nicely on the standard mats included with the airline-approved carriers or strollers.

We take pride in our products and we do our best for our fur kids and want the same for your fur kids.

Meet our family

Sabrina, with her soft black fur and white spots on her chest and one toe, is by far the biggest shedder. She is a tiny kid with lots of personality. She will paw at you when it’s feeding time and if you’re lucky, will let you pet her especially if she is being brushed. She has a beautiful crooked tail that makes her unique and although she is small, she is the ruler of the roost. Her fine black fur would make her beds look dirty very quickly. Sabrina and Tina were adopted on the same day and Sabrina misses Tina every single day.   



Bob White, named for his cute little bob tail and white fur, is the neediest of the three. They say that you don’t adopt cats (or dogs) but they adopt you and that was certainly the case with Bob. We adopted Bob (and Arthur) in December 2018 or should I say that Bob adopted Tom. From day one Bob would knead Tom on a daily basis and follow him around wherever he goes. As soon as Tom walks in the door, Bob speaks to him with his high-pitched squeaky voice letting Tom know how much he missed him. Bob loves to hide around a corner and wait for Arthur to walk by so he can pounce and scare Arthur. Arthur, in turn, typically jumps about three feet off the ground and then runs as fast as he can with Bob right behind him.


Arthur, adopted the same day as Bob, is a sweet, gentle soul. He has become attached to Deb, like Bob is to Tom, following her around just wanting to hang out with her. Arthur is a few months older than Bob but he takes on the role of Bob’s big brother. Bob & Arthur were in a foster home together and are always on the lookout for each other. The cutest thing is when one of them is out of sight and they call for each other, meowing until they see each other. We were very lucky to find these two adorable kids.


Lenny, our big, cuddly blind boy, was such a sweet kid. He loved to be brushed and would drool and purr loudly during his weekly brushings. Even though he was blind, he loved to hide behind a door and wait for either Sabrina or Tina to cross his path so he could jump out and chase them, staying low to the ground like the stealth-like hunter he was. He, like Sabrina, was a big shedder and his fur would get stuck in the beds making it tough to vacuum up his fur to keep his beds clean. Lenny, quite suddenly, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge in July 2016 at the age of 15.

Tina was on the shy side and a classic Calico. She could be quiet and shy one minute and then run through the house like a crazy cat the next minute. She loved to watch the birds and lizards and would spend all day on the "catio" if she could. She does not, however, like having her picture taken as you can see by the look in her eyes. She was also a big shedder so between her and Sabrina, their beds were constantly being washed. At the age of 18 and after battling some medical issues, Tina joined Lenny over the Rainbow Bridge in December 2018. 




Both Sabrina and Tina spend a majority of their day on our lanai on the lookout for birds, lizards, squirrels or anything that moves. During their younger years, they did not have much access to the outside so they just love having a nice, secure, outdoor playground. In fact, we bought them these very nice cots so they would not have lay on the hot, rough concrete, however, they were not fans of the fabric and were not using them. So….we put their beds on top of the cots (with a PetDigz pet bed sheet, of course)...I know, sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it…and now they spend almost their entire day outside on their beds on top of the cots.